The Nazi Targeting of Trans People
Transphobes have long argued that transgender people are a danger to children, to women, and to society as a whole. Many claim (falsely) that "transgenderism" is new or a fad, dismissing trans and gender nonconforming people's long and deep historical roots. Recently, influential public figures have claimed that the Nazis did not target trans people or destroy decades of research on trans culture and healthcare. This is not the first time such claims have been made, but the recent wave of posts is especially dangerous because it reaches so many people.
Those that deny that the Nazis specifically targeted trans people are wrong. In conjunction with the world's leading scholars on this topic, the Pink Triangle Legacies Project has collected articles and videos by professional historians based on archival research to defend against this historical erasure.
Digital Articles & Videos in English
Peer-Reviewed Scholarship in English
For scholarship in additional languages, consult the extensive Bibliography on Lesbian and Trans Women in Nazi Germany, which is compiled by historian Dr. Anna Hájková.
Updated March 16, 2024.
To suggest that a resource be added to this page, please email jake@pinktrianglelegacies.org.